Senin, 24 November 2014

Softskill "Tata Cara Pendirian Koperasi"

Nama Kelompok 4:   Adetia Apriyani                    (10213166)
                                   Dwi Subawanti                      (12213709)                                   Oktarina Dwi Putri                (16213764)                                   Rahayu Eka Rizkiyanti         (17213150)                                   Vika Rizqya Melianti             (19213146) Tata Cara Pendirian Koperasi

SOAL UJI MANDIRI1.      Menurut UU No.25/1992 tentang Perkoperasian, persyaratan jumlah minimum anggota koperasi di Indonesia adalah 20 orang. Menurut Saudara mengapa minimum 20 orang?
 Jawab:            Karena itu sudah menjadi syarat pembentukan koperasi berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Koperasi Dan Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah Republik Indonesia Nomor: 104.1/Kep/M.Kukm/X/2002 Tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembentukan Koperasi
 2.      Dalam perkembangan sebuah koperasi, kadang terjadi perubahan Anggaran Dasar (AD). Menurut Saudara, apa faktor-faktor penyebab perlu dilakukannya perubahan AD suatu koperasi?
 Jawab:           - Anggota dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi usaha koperasi dan kepentingan anggota.- Keputusan Rapat Anggaran untuk merubah Anggaran Dasar.- Perubahan bidang usaha struktur pemodalan, tanggungan anggota koperasi dan nama koperasi.
3.      Uraikan dari berbagai sudut pandang, faktor-faktor yang mendorong kelompok masyarakat untuk berkoperasi.
 Jawab:            Terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat mendorong kelompok masyarakat untuk berkoperasi, faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain,
Faktor pertama, sebagai pengelola koperasi memiliki kepekaan bisnis (sense of bussines).Faktor 
kedua adalah membangun partisipasi dari anggota koperasi.  4.      Bagaimana pendapat saudara, bila pendirian koperasi atau akta pendirian koperasi cukup diterbitkan oleh Notaris saja?
 Jawab:            Menurut kelompok kami, pendirian koperasi/ akta pendirian koperasi sudah cukup walau hanya di terbitkan oleh notaris saja, karena peran notaris dalam membuat akta pendirian koperasi sudah mencukupi, peran notaris disini adalah membuat akta pendirian koperasi sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku kemudian membacakan dan menjelaskan isinya kepada para pendiri, sebelum  anggota/pendirinya menandatangani akta tersebut.

Selasa, 24 Juni 2014


4. Jim is absent. Sue is absent.
Not only Jim but also sue is absent.
6. The leopard faces extinction. The tiger faces extinction.
Both the leopard and the tiger faces extinction.

Paragraphs Using Parallel Construction
In October of last year, I make my birthday party to seventeen years. My father gave a very nice gift. Not only my father but also my mother provide a very nice gift. My dad gave me a camera and my mother gave a great and funny doll.
My mom and dad gave gifts. another with my brother and my sister, both my brother and my sister had a surprise for me. I was very surprised when my brother and my sister say happy birthday with a birthday cake at night when I sleep.

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Causative Verb

4. We got our house (paint, painted, to paint) last week.
We got our house painted last week.

6. Patrick was having his hair (cutting, cut, cutted) when bob called.

Patrick was having his hair cutting when bob called.

Selasa, 08 April 2014

4. Where is Jane?
    Where Jane was.
6. What do you need?
    What I needed.
*      QUESTON
When the question directly (direct question) use question words such as ; Where, When, Why, What, Who, How, dll
Ø  He asked me : “How will you go there ?”
Ø  He asked me how I would go there.

Ø  John asked the girl : “What is your name ?”
Ø  John asked the girl what her name was.

Ø  Sam said to me : “Where do you live?”
Ø  Sam asked me where I lived.

Ø  John asked Mary : “Why do you get angry with me ?”
Ø  John asked Mary why she got angry with him.

In Indirect Statement we use that word (that) as a liaison between the introductory sentence (introduce phrases) and the words reported (report words).
Ø  My sister said to me “I don’t like tennis”
Ø  My sister said to me that she didn’t like tennis.

Ø  Tom said “I didn’t go to school this morning”
Ø  Tom said that he hadn’t gone to school that morning.

Ø  Bob said to me “I am going to campus by Bus”
Ø  Bob said to me that he was going to campus by Bus.

Ø  Tim said to me “I will study hard”

Ø  Tim said to me that he would study hard.

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

#Direct and Indirect speech.

4. Tom said “I have already eaten lunch now”.
Tom said that he had already eaten luch now.

6. Mr. Read said that he was going to go to Paris.
Mr. Read said “I am going to go to Paris”.

Okta                : Hello daksina
Daksina           : Hello
Okta                : Have you do homework?
Daksina           : Already, you also already?
Okta                : Yes I also had to do homework
Daksina           : Come sit beside me
Okta                : Okay. whether sekar school?
Daksina           : No, that's why I want you to sit next to me to replace sekar when he was sick
Okta                : Have you to his house?
Daksina           : Yes I have been to his house
Okta                : What did he say?
Daksina           : He said "I'm sick" (direct)
Okta                : He left a letter?
Daksina           : yes he left a letter
Okta                : Then what did he say again?
Daksina           : He said that he needs adequate rest at home (indirect)
Okta                : Oh then after school I want to see it at home
Daksina           : Okay.